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Lahore Rheumatology Clinic

Patient Info

Rheumatic diseases encompass more than 200 different diseases that span from various types of arthritis to osteoporosis and on to systemic connective tissue diseases. 


A third of people of all ages and gender are affected at some point during their lifetime. Women, however, are more frequently affected than men. 


You might suspect that you have a rheumatic disease if you have signs and symptoms, which include the following: Persistent joint pain, tenderness, inflammation indicated by joint swelling, stiffness, redness, and/or warmth, joint deformity, loss of range of motion or flexibility in joints, extreme fatigue, lack of energy, weakness, or a feeling of malaise.

There are many myths and misconceptions about arthritis. These are perpetuated by the spread of inaccurate information and can keep a person away from managing the disease properly.

Here are some examples:

  • Arthritis is an old person's disease. Fact: Arthritis can occur at any age.

  • Arthritis is induced by a cold, wet climate. Fact: Climate itself is neither the cause nor the cure.

  • Arthritis is caused by a poor diet. Fact: There is little scientific evidence that specific food prevents or causes arthritis, there are few diseases, such as gout, where the intake of certain types of food or drinks (alcohol) can precipitate an attack.


Back  Pain


Connective Tissue Diseases



Areas of Expertise

Joint Aspiration & Injections

Musculoskeletal ultrasound

Interpretation of  ANA & ENA

Interpretation of ANCA 

Interpretation of muscle enzymes

Interpretation of RAF, anti CCP & HLA- B27

Interpretation of Joint X-rays 

Interpretation of Dexa scan

Areas of Expertise
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